
Islamic World

Syrians Sell Bodies for Food

Syrian refugees are fleeing the deadly conflict to neighboring states to escape sexual assaults, many women sell themselves to feed their children. More

Syrians Sell Bodies for Food

Muslim Minority

US Muslim Inmate Wins Right to Prayers

Jailed American Muslim allowed to perform congregational prayers with other Muslim inmates. More

US Muslim Inmate Wins Right to Prayers

Muslim Minority

Daniel Streich embraces Islam

Swiss politician Daniel Streich, who rose to fame for his campaign against minarets of mosques, has embraced Islam. More

Daniel Streich embraces Islam

Muslim Minority

Hijab Ban Takes UK School to Court

A British primary school has been taken to court over refusing to allow a female pupil to wear hijab (Muslim headscarf). More

Hijab Ban Takes UK School to Court

Muslim Minority

Dangerous Games Banned in Islam: Fatwa

Dangerous sport games such as wrestling are banned in Islam because they are posing harms to athletes, a Saudi scholar has said. More

Dangerous Games Banned in Islam: Fatwa

Muslim Minority

UK Muslims Champion Blood Donation

Extending a hand of help their society, Muslims in the United Kingdom have launched a nationwide campaign for blood donation, a move seen as helping promote the Islamic values of giving. More

UK Muslims Champion Blood Donation

Muslim Minority

Muslims Heal Uninsured Americans

Seeking to help Americans falling the cracks of the health care system, Muslim doctors have opened a clinic at a church in the US county of St Louis to provide a free medical help for poor residents. More

Muslims Heal Uninsured Americans

Muslim Minority

Rightist Lone-wolves Threaten UK

A British anti-fascist research center has warned that the far-right surge could spark a new wave of political violence and lone-wolf acts of terror similar to Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. More

Rightist Lone-wolves Threaten UK

Muslim Minority

Shari`ah-compliant Loans for Poor Muslims

Seeking to tackle poverty in the developing world, a non-profit organization is providing Shari`ah-compliant loans for low-income entrepreneurs to help lead a better life. More

Shari`ah-compliant Loans for Poor Muslims

Muslim Minority

Ohio Muslim Students Find Voice

Fighting misconceptions associated with Islam, Muslim students at Ohio’s Wright State University are regrouping under their active student association umbrella, finding a new pulpit to address problems and challenges facing them inside the campus. More

Ohio Muslim Students Find Voice

Muslim Minority

Islam ranked second globally

Islam is the second largest religion in the world, with Muslims are having the lowest median age among all religious groups, a new study has found. More

Islam ranked second globally

Muslim Minority

UK Town Supports Mosque on Church Site

Rejecting inflammatory calls by anti-Muslim party, British residents in Shropshire County on the Welsh border have voiced their support for turning a 19th century former Presbyterian Church in the town into an Islamic center. More

UK Town Supports Mosque on Church Site