
Eid al-Adha

Place and time of slaughtering Udhya

The sacrificial animal to be offered, be it obligatory or voluntary, should be slaughtered only in the Sanctuary, except for two kinds: More

Place and time of slaughtering Udhya

Eid al-Adha

Kinds of sacrificial animals

Sacrificial animals are divided into two kinds, voluntary and obligatory: More

Kinds of sacrificial animals


Mawdhoo‘ Hadeeths to avoid

Dear reader, here are some Mawdhoo‘ Hadeeths that are cited in this regard so that you would be wary of them: More

Mawdhoo‘ Hadeeths to avoid


The Muslim youth in Hajj

Many people postpone the obligation of Hajj until they become grey-haired. More

The Muslim youth in Hajj


The Muslim Family in Hajj

Allaah The Almighty Made Hajj obligatory and one of the pillars of Islam which He Approved as a religion for humankind. More

The Muslim Family in Hajj


The Muslim woman in Hajj

The Muslim woman in Hajj: More

The Muslim woman in Hajj


Things you must know

Summary of important information that the slave of Allaah must know: More

Things you must know


As-Safa and Al-Marwah

As-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the Symbols of Allaah. More

As-Safa and Al-Marwah


Conditions of Udh-hiyah

There are conditions for the Udh-hiyah in order to be valid and accepted: More

Conditions of  Udh-hiyah


Haj Mabrur 2

Let us speak about these four points with some detail. More

Haj Mabrur 2


What should the pilgrim do?

The pilgrimage should be submissively humble, shedding tears, fearing from his Lord, surrendering to Him, seeking His Mercy and Forgiveness. More

What should the pilgrim do?


Fruits of Hajj

One of the signs that indicate the acceptance of a good deed is being blessed with performing another good deed afterwards. More

Fruits of Hajj