
Muslim Minority

Islamic Banks Set to Boom

Islamic banks are set to expand, luring mainstream customers compared to conventional lenders, a new report has found. More

Islamic Banks Set to Boom

Muslim Minority

Muslims Feed Hungry Britons

Racing to feed hungry and poor people, Muslim organizations and community members in the central British town of Blackburn have been cooperating with the city’s food bank to feed those in desperate need. More

Muslims Feed Hungry Britons

Muslim Minority

Galloway backs Niqab

Renowned British lawmaker George Galloway has attacked new restrictions imposed on the wearing of the Muslim face-veil (Niqab) at the meeting place of the two houses of parliament, describing the move as an infringement of Muslim rights. More

Galloway backs Niqab

Muslim Minority

Muslim Partnership Helps UK Child Aid

Avoiding cultural sensitivities, a leading children aid association in London has changed its protocol to cope with the Muslim community, turning into a role model for British foster care. More

Muslim Partnership Helps UK Child Aid

Muslim Minority

Mosque Rejection Saddens UK Muslims

Plans to build a mega mosque near the Olympic site in East London have been rejected, to the disappointment of the Muslim community in Britain. More

Mosque Rejection Saddens UK Muslims

Muslim Minority

Community Dream for NY Latino Muslims

Searching for their identity, Latino Muslims in New York are struggling to form a Hispanic community in which they can weave their culture with the Islamic faith. More

Community Dream for NY Latino Muslims

Muslim Minority

Qur’an For Deaf American Muslims

Seeking to help deaf Muslims to read the Noble Qur’an, an Islamic organization has launched a new campaign to translate the holy book into American sign language. More

Qur’an For Deaf American Muslims

Muslim Minority

Hijab Handout Clears US Misconceptions

Fighting misconceptions associated with Muslim headscarf, Muslim students at California State University arranged a hijab handout to their colleagues to educate them about criticism and negative image drawn by media over the past decade. More

Hijab Handout Clears US Misconceptions

Muslim Minority

Islam For Greener Malaysia

Muslim students in Malaysia are planning weekly sessions to discuss ways of turning their country into a greener place in line with the teachings of their faith. More

Islam For Greener Malaysia

Muslim Minority

Kashmir Muslims Set Harmony Example

With a mosque and a Hindu temple are situated next to each others, a small village in Kashmir is standing as a centuries-old example of religious harmony in the Himalayan province. More

Kashmir Muslims Set Harmony Example

Muslim Minority

Far-right Protests Scare UK Muslims

Worried British Muslims are expected to flee their home village in Shotton Colliery, in North East England Durham County, to avoid confrontations with a far-right anti-Muslim protest. More

Far-right Protests Scare UK Muslims

Muslim Minority

Prophet Life Inspires India Congregation

An annual congregation in the central Indian city of Bhopal has lured Muslim scholars and thousands of the faithful from around the world to energize Muslims to follow the steps of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). More

Prophet Life Inspires India Congregation