
World News

Freed UN hostages in Jordan

A group of 21 Filipino UN peacekeepers captured by rebels in Syria have arrived in Jordan after being released. More

Freed UN hostages in Jordan

Muslim Minority

Germany Troubled

A severe shortage of teachers in Islamic studies and lack of appropriate materials are hindering efforts to provide a proper religious education for German Muslims. More

Germany Troubled

Muslim Minority

Azeri Muslims Decry Religious Restrictions

Azerbaijan’s Muslims are decrying government restrictions on the publication and distribution of religious materials. More

Azeri Muslims Decry Religious Restrictions

World News

Arnoud van Doorn accepts Islam

The ex-member of Geert Wilders’s right-wing anti-Islam Freedom Party, Arnoud van Doorn, surprisingly declared his conversion to Islam. More

Arnoud van Doorn accepts Islam

Muslim Minority

Fatwa on Haram Fish

Muslims across Europe are alarmed by reconstituted animal and pork protein in fish feed. More

Fatwa on Haram Fish

Muslim Minority

Fragile FBI-Muslim Relation Worsens

Muslims and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Bay Area was getting worse after the agents ignored repeated attacks on mosques and Islamic centers. More

Fragile FBI-Muslim Relation Worsens

Muslim Minority

Ohio School Celebrates Muslim Role Models

A leading Ohio Islamic school has concluded a reading initiative designed to encourage reading among students of leading Muslims to the world. More

Ohio School Celebrates Muslim Role Models

Muslim Minority

Proxy War Fuels Pakistan Sectarianism

Recent attacks on Pakistan’s Shiites are deepening the sectarian divide in the south Asian Muslim country. More

Proxy War Fuels Pakistan Sectarianism

Muslim Minority

Adhan Allowed in Sweden

Unprecedentedly, Muslims in the Swedish capital have won the right to raise Adhan from the Fittja mosque as the only mosque in Sweden having a minaret. More

Adhan Allowed in Sweden

Muslim Minority

British Exhibition Offers Journey to Islam

The Muslim community in East Staffordshire is organizing a special exhibition for an in-depth look into the religion to help clear misconceptions about the faith. More

British Exhibition Offers Journey to Islam

Muslim Minority

Halal Pork Shocks Swiss Muslims

The discovery of pork traces in halal food in several stores is shocking the Muslim community in Switzerland and igniting debates for launching a Swiss halal label. More

Halal Pork Shocks Swiss Muslims

Muslim Minority

Islam Awareness for Michigan Students

Muslim students at Grand Valley State University in West Michigan launched Monday, February 25, an awareness week to dispel common misconceptions about the faith. More

Islam Awareness for Michigan Students