Moral Civilization
The Arab World is lying, almost, inanimate on the floor as a result of its gross deficiency in palpable democracy, true social justice, adequate education and social services, realistic women More

Islam Around the World
It was the moment which set Spain on a course to become the greatest power in early modern Europe More

Jermain Jackson. Brother of Michael Jackson, embraced Islam after a visit to Bahrain as part of his Middle East tour in 1989. He has taken the name Muhammad Abdul Aziz and lives on the outskirts of More

Reviving 354 Sunnah
So many may be astonished about this sunnah, namely to expose your body for rain at the beginning of coming off. In this regard, Muslim related on the authority of Anas as saying: (we came under rain More

Imam Harun’s fight against racism has deep repercussions not only in South Africa but also in the rest of the continent. He worked relentlessly for the emancipation of Malay Muslims who had been More

«I Swear that this Koran from which the modern science lags behind on 1400 years, can not be speech of the person. It is true speech of Almighty.» Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau was quoted. More

Historic Info
In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made its own re-ordering of the Ukrainian jigsaw. Western Ukraine was taken by Stalin from Poland at the end of the Second World War. Crimea was transferred by More

Historic Info
As Europe’s second largest country, its territory reaches deep into that of modern Russia, but it shares borders too with several EU members, including Poland and Hungary. More

Historic Info
The famous Newport Rising, which occurred in Monmouthshire in 1839, was an ugly offshoot of the Chartist movement demanding the vote for working-class men. More

Historic Info
One February night in 1850, a storm raged its way through Scotland and up to the Orkney Islands. It was so ferocious that many were killed, and in Mainland Orkney a large layer of sand and turf was More

Historic Info
A schoolboy who fought on the Somme after lying about his age has been declared the youngest authenticated combatant of the First World War. More

Islamic History
By 1917, the British had made three different agreements with three different groups promising three different political futures for the Arab world. The Arabs insisted they still get their Arab More

Islamic History
Before the Arab Revolt could even begin and before Sharif Hussein could create his Arab kingdom, the British and French had other plans. In the winter of 1915-1916, two diplomats, Sir Mark Sykes of More

Islamic History
100 years ago, most Arabs were part of the Ottoman Empire/Caliphate, a large multi-ethnic state based in Istanbul. Today, a political map of the Arab world looks like a very complex jigsaw puzzle. More

European Colonization
Archaeologically speaking, the earliest battle evidence from the British Isles comes from the Neolithic or New Stone Age, when the farmers were first competing for limited resources. More

World News
Research conducted by the London School of Economics, Stanford University and the University of Zurich found being Muslim was one of most popular reasons for rejecting hypothetical profiles of asylum More

World News
Thousands of South Africans marched in the capital Pretoria Friday calling for an end to racism that continues to spark controversy in the country following decades of apartheid. More

Muslim Minority
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the former Lakers star, denounced the rise in Islamophobia that has gripped the United States. More

Muslim Minority
New data shows hate crimes against Muslim Americans are at their highest levels since the weeks immediately following the September 11th attacks. Researchers say sentiments coming from Republican More

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