Sheikh, Dr. Ragheb El-Sergani delivered a lecture tilted "Inspirations of the Egyptian Revolution " immediately after `Isha prayer at Ar-Rawas mosque, Sayeda Zaynab. More

The city of Iznik, reknown for its beautiful Ottoman tiles now adds another badge of honour to its name with the discovery of the first Ottoman mosque that was built by Orhan Gazi. Excavations have More

Research Studies
According to current estimate, there are fewer Muslims of all ages in the U.S. than there are Jews by religion (5.7 million) but more than there are Hindus (2.1 million) and many more than there are More

Research Studies
The U.S. has received 28,957 Muslim refugees so far in fiscal year 2016, or nearly half (46%) of the more than 63,000 refugees who have entered the country since the fiscal year began Oct. 1, 2015, More

The status of Muslims in the west is under threat. The increased prevalence of anti-Muslim hate crime is only one of the more visible consequences. In the UK, Muslim schoolchildren are suffering a More

Islam Empowered
If you compel somebody to be a Muslim then they wouldn’t really be a Muslim, because to be a Muslim means that you have to be a Muslim at heart. More

If by tasawwuf you mean the authentic Islamic spirituality, then a da`i who observes the method of the Prophet is practicing tasawwuf. More
Celebrating Christmas with Christian Mother of Father; it is a very critical point for the newly reverted to Islam. More

Stories of the Quran
Ibn Umm Maktūm, a poor and blind man, once went to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and asked him repeatedly to teach him something of what the Prophet had been taught by God. The Prophet More

Mantra, Bhavishya Purana, Ram’s Shart Mans made by Ram and Mantra from the Atharvaveda mention prophecies about our prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What are they? More
The time of darkness, in their sight, began with the flood of Noah [peace be upon him]. The Hindu Scriptures state that, in all these cycles, Allâh sent Messengers. Some of their books enumerate the More
“Narashnus” is a Sanskrit dissyllabic word: “Nar” stands for man. The second syllable is “Ashnus” which means the one praised and appreciated very much. Being so, it is a full synonym of More
Mathew 3:7-11: “I baptize you with water for repentance, but the one coming after me is more powerful than I am - I am not worthy to carry his sandals...". More
The events of 2016 may seem bleak, but the study of history offers some context for those who believe we are living through the worst of times. More

Readers Articles
Seeing and recognizing Allah as the King of the Day of Judgment, alongside being the Most Merciful and Most Kind, it is important to take an honest look at our end of our relationship with Him. More
Readers Articles
The obsession with matters of the dunya often happens when comparing one’s self with others, causing materialism to quickly become the nucleus of the soul. More

Readers Articles
Prophet Muhammad reminded us to be strangers in this world, as to not get too wrapped into the folds of consumerism and foster a deep love for the dunya without the balance of the akhirah in our More

Readers Articles
The remainder of this article will examine passages from various books of the Bible and compare them to the way Muslims pray. More

Readers Write
Eight major industrialized countries provide support to Assad on logistic and media spheres. More

Husbands & Wives
"There is nothing in the Shari`ah which prohibits removing hair from inside the nose. The only prohibition occurs for plucking eyebrows. The reason for this prohibition is that plucking eyebrows is More
Husbands & Wives
There are three conditions for clothes that should be considered. It should be thick that you cannot see through and it should be loose that does not give the body its shape (meaning not tight) and More
Husbands & Wives
Islam is opposed to ways of life which consider children as a burden; the unfortunate outcome of such hedonistic philosophies is to prefer pets such as dogs and cats over children. Muslims must never More
Husbands & Wives
Firstly, you should not feel ashamed or bad for how you feel. Listen to your soul and heart, for they have the ability to communicate authentic knowledge. I will try my best to address your points of More

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