He had lived his whole life in purity and virtue among them and this was acknowledged even by his most staunch enemies. They knew that he was the most honest and truthful person among them. More

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was also a very hospitable person. Even before he was raised to the status of Prophethood, he was known as a hospitable and generous man. Nobody ever went away from him More
“The best among you in the days of ignorance are the best in the days after accepting Islam, provided that they acquire true knowledge and understanding of Islam(Fiqh)”. (Bukhari and Muslim). More

Spiritual Leaks
Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu`ba: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, (Some of my followers will remain victorious (and on the right path) till the Last Day comes, and they will still be victorious.) Bukhari and More
Reviving 354 Sunnah
Although all the good deeds are required in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah; yet remembering Allah Almighty is of special significance More

Reviving 354 Sunnah
We need many things in this worldly life; as to worship, work, home, health, offspring, wealth, and relationships for ourselves, and our dear ones and we wish the goodness for our nations and so on. More

Reviving 354 Sunnah
What should the Muslim do if he knew that certain words are dearer to Allah than others? More
Reviving 354 Sunnah
Though the entire Qur`an is revealed from Allah and is all great and miraculous, Allah held more valuable some verses to others and made their recitation more meritorious than others. The last two More

نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12]
![نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12] نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12]](
سلسلة «نصيحتي لك» يقدم فيها فضيلة الأستاذ الدكتور راغب السرجاني لفتات وومضات سريعة من الشريعة لكل مسلم، ما أحوجنا إليها الآن وفي كل آن!
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